Just for Fun: a little Q & A

1. If you could be named anything else, what would it be and why?

R:  Serena.  Because 1) Nora Roberts created Serena MacGregor, whom I continue to worship her to this day, and 2) “Rena” just sounds cool.

M: Genevieve.  Barbie and the 12 Dancing Princesses (that’s right, go ahead and judge.)

2. What is the one movie/TV show/book scene that will always make you cry?

M: Rookie Blue – Jerry Barber…if you watch the show, you know what I’m talking about.  It gets me every time…every time.

R:  A Walk to Remember.  EVERY. TIME.  I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve seen this movie.  But every single time it’s the same thing.  I don’t know, there’s just something about the hero crying that makes me tear up…

3. The one feature you like the most on yourself?

R:  My nails…?  (Where did Meg find these questions?!)

M: Ahem…my nails?  That’s not a feature is it…?

4. That one activity you’ve always wished your parents put you in when you were younger?

M: Archery…but that might only be because I’m obsessed with Teen Wolf and Arrow.

R:  Cooking.  Maybe I wouldn’t be living off of canned soup and Kraft Dinner now…

5. If you could live anywhere else…?

R:  New York.  Because shopping.  And food.  And Broadway.

M: I’d say Paris, but I’ve never actually been there.  So, New York.  I’m a city gal.

6. The characteristic you admire most in your idol/best friend?

M: Kindness and confidence.  That’s two, whoops.

R:  Honesty.  When I ask if something looks good on me, I actually want to know if it makes me look like a sallow potato.

7. Your favorite word?

R:  Adumbrate.  The definition doesn’t quite live up to its potential, but still.

M: Enchanted.

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